Improve Your Productivity With A New Routine

Routines can drastically alter and improve how you spend your time at work while also creating a sense of security and stability.

Target Areas of Improvement

Before beginning a new routine, asses what are you wish to improve upon. Hone in on the distractions and behavior that make work difficult can impede your ability to complete key tasks. Professor of Psychology at University of Texas, Arthur B. Markman, advises once a new routine is created, the focus should be on addressing these issues.

Know Yourself

Being aware of your own natural rhythm can also be a valuable piece of information when deciding how to structure your work day. Anna Rowley, a consulting psychologist to tech firms remarks, "Arrange your schedule accordingly so you’re doing high-power tasks at the optimal times.” Its important to also note that there isn't a one size fits all solution. What works for one person might not work for you. Working with your body will help you to feel more refreshed and in control.

Creating the Right Space

Ideally, the space you want to work in would be set up in a way that make getting work done easier and harder for bad behaviors to distract you. Whether is a private office at home, working in a coworking space or office, or some combination of the two.

Remove All Distractions

The key difference between success and failure is repetition. “The more distractible you are, the harder it is to stick to a new routine.” Markman states. Anna Rowley also suggests doing a brief activity when ending and before starting a task as a mental bookend for yourself. “As much as we think we are excellent compartmentalizers, many of us remained focused on a previous task even though we may have started a new one." Getting your mind in the habit to conclude one task with something like a short walk will help get it prepared for the next. "Think of it as saying good-bye to one task and saying hello to another.”

Using these technique and sticking too them will benefit you in more ways than one. And dont forget! Habits take time to build to stay vigilant and you'll be improving how you handle your day in no time!

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